

Purple Twist Plum

This AZ plum is the ideal small purple tree between evergreens. Blooms in a profusion of pink flowers...


Keep Out Uninvited Guests

The country around the Quad-Cities is full of wild mammals. However, judging from the comments of customers coming...


Homeowner’s Pride

If you are looking for a lilac to plant this spring the timing couldn’t be better. The moisture...


Animal Proof Plants

There are many gardeners new to the area who have never experienced the destruction that javalinas and bunnies...


Tips to Great Flowers

Mother’s Day weekend is the time when blooming plants really start to color our flower gardens. If you...


Hassle-Free Landscapes

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could enjoy an attractive, colorful garden without spending all of your free...


First Impressions

Most homeowners recognize the need to remodel the insides of their homes but don't realize that their landscaping...


2012 Parade of Perennials

This is the best month to experience mature perennial specimens in bloom at your favorite garden center. The...


Time To Adjust the Timers

If your irrigation system’s water volume in September was the same as its volume for June, you need...