Cascading Beauties: The Best Spiller Plants to Elevate Your Containers

06/18/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Although tall, attention-grabbing flowers may be the first plants considered for your container gardens, they are not the most critical blooms in the pot. Plants that spill, flow, and cascade over the edge of…

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Thriving in the Shadows: 5 Shade-Loving Plants for Your Gardens

06/07/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Looking for plants that thrive in full shade can be challenging. ‘Full shade’ refers to areas that receive less than three hours of direct sun daily and filtered sun for the rest of the…

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8 Chocolate-Scented Delights: Indulge Your Senses in the Garden

05/24/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Imagine a garden that not only delights your eyes with vibrant colors and lush textures but also tantalizes your nose with the irresistible aroma of chocolate. While the idea might sound like a Willy…

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Blooming Beauties Early Flowers for the Garden

03/08/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener The crispness of early spring and autumn holds a unique charm for gardeners. While many focus on perennials, cool-season annuals offer a stunning display, filling empty winter containers and adding vibrant color to the…

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Gardening for Newcomers to Mountain Landscapes

02/07/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener High altitude gardening is different from gardening at lower elevations.  Combine our altitude with Arizona’s dry climate, bright air, and ever-present mountain winds, and you pretty much can forget what you learned from gardening…

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What happens when Plants are Dormant

01/19/2024 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Those new to the four seasons of Northern Arizona: Autumn is a time of intense transition in the yard. Leaves fall off deciduous trees, and flowering perennials bloom one last time before fading underground…

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Top 10 Things Smart Gardeners Do in June

06/07/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener June is considered perennial month in the mountains of Arizona. This is the top time to find big, bold perennials at the garden center. These are the flowers that come back bigger and better…

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Flowers that Attract More Hummingbirds

06/01/2023 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Lisa and I sat in our front courtyard, watching the antics of “our” hummingbirds. They were enjoying water from the fountains and sipping nectar from the 30+ pots of flowers. We enjoyed one unique,…

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Everything the May Gardens Need Now

05/03/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Mother’s Day is the historic last chance of frost, and summer plants can go in the gardens safely. It’s time to plant your garden tomatoes, pepper, squash, and herbs without risk. You wlll also…

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Does Talking to Houseplants Help?

01/20/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Research shows plants have a definite calming effect on their gardener. Plants are so understanding. They refrain from arguing, asking difficult questions, or interrupting when speaking. It’s no wonder, so many gardeners talk to…

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