Gardening for Newcomers to Mountain Landscapes

02/07/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener High altitude gardening is different from gardening at lower elevations.  Combine our altitude with Arizona’s dry climate, bright air, and ever-present mountain winds, and you pretty much can forget what you learned from gardening…

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Experience the Joy of Growing Your Own Fruit Trees for Better Health

01/31/2024 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener On the Go Answer – Readers Digest Condensed Version of this Article Fruit trees are easy to grow in the Mountains. Apple, pear, peach, plums, apricot, nectarine, grapes, and blueberries all grow locally. Plant…

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Garden Soils Best Prepared in January

01/24/2024 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener On the Go Answer Condensed Version of this Article January is the month to amend garden beds Turn 2” layer of organic Manure & Mulch in one shovels depth Spread Fruit & Veggie Food,…

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5 Clever Ways to Use Coffee Grounds in Your Garden

01/12/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener If you make a daily pot of coffee, you have a fabulous source of the organic matter right at your fingertips. Coffee grounds can make your garden happier in several ways, and not just…

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Perennials to Cut Back in Autumn & How to Grow Them

10/31/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Most perennial hibernate underground through winter. Some are downright ugly after our first hard frost and harbor pest and disease unless cut back by the end of the year. You protect these perennials for…

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11 Fall Tips for Better Gardens

10/12/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Autumn gardening is a great time to look back on garden successes and disappointments. There’s still plenty of time to do some garden maintenance. Fall gardening takes advantage of cooler temperatures and fewer weeds…

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Make Sense of Autumn Fall Fertilizer Labels

10/04/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener When walking down the fertilizer aisle at Watters Garden Center or any home improvement store, you can’t help but notice the dizzying array of plant foods: bags, bottles, powders, granules, sprays, and concentrates. You…

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Top 10 Berries for Container Gardens

09/20/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Those new to gardening are surprised at the bountiful crops berry plants produce. Local berry bushes are more consistent fruit bearers than even fruit trees and are easier to grow. Simply plant them into…

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Your End-of-Summer Garden To-Do List

09/13/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Gardening is a year-round hobby, each month providing a new opportunity to cultivate your land and forest success. Gardeners are at the harvest season’s peak and relish in the bounty of their vegetable and…

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Top 10 Tall Plants for Stunning Containers

09/06/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Tall potted plants can turn ordinary container gardens into works of art. They add height, variety, and a little drama to mixed containers. But grouping plants in containers takes a finesse. The general formula…

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