Growing Potatoes in Containers?

03/19/2016 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener At the expense of sounding as if I like to do everything the easy way, no, wait, I always like to do everything the easy way!  Here is my incredibly simple method for growing…

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Wonder Fall Trailing Pansy

03/07/2016 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Pansies are a gardener’s go-to plant when the weather is cool. When grown in the fall, they’ll bloom through winter. Planted now, they provide l ots of early welcome colors. This is not your mothers boring pansy. The Wonder Fall…

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Vegetable Seed – How Long do They Last?

02/29/2016 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Storing seed is easy to keep in an air tight container out of direct sunlight.  They may not look like it, but seeds are very much alive for years to come. However they don’t remain so forever. How long seeds…

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Testing Old Seed Viability

02/29/2016 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Most seed packets come with more seed that we can use in a season. They are easy enough to save, but few gardeners store them in ideal conditions. That means planting them the following year can be a bit disappointing.…

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Time to Plant Sweet Pea!

02/24/2016 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

 – Combine fragrance, intense flower color and its climbing habit makes Sweet Peas a favorite of local gardeners and non-gardeners alike. Known for the more perfumed varieties, sweet peas are often described as smelling like a mix of honey and…

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Weed and Grass Stopper

02/22/2016 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Apply before the next weather system hits. This granular seed killer will keep the worst of early spring foxtails, dandelions, and horehounds from emerging in rock lawns and flowerbeds. Preventer must be applied before the weeds emerge or it will…

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Some Seeds Need Light to Germinate

02/03/2016 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener When I was a young man a dear friend taught me to plant seed to a depth that is three times its thickness.  That means that chubby bean seeds or peas should be planted…

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Caring for Our Winter Birds

11/21/2015 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener It’s surprising how many winter birds grace our dormant gardens with their graceful flight and beautiful sounds.  Many have migrated from far cooler climates in the north, and actually find Prescott weather to be…

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Autumn’s Ornamental Kales and Cabbages

10/02/2015 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Sumacs and flame maples have drawn our attention to those first hints of autumn.  Chrysanthemums are in their full glory, and everywhere we turn we find pumpkins are in coffees, teas, beers, and even…

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Growing and Roasting Sunflowers

09/11/2015 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener This week’s garden photo is taken in Amsterdam at the entrance of the Van Gogh museum, commemorating the 125th anniversary of the Dutch master’s death.  Guests take cover from the rain as they walk…

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