The Most Meaningful Jobs in Arizona

02/13/2024 Ken Davis


Ken Davis

Watters Garden Center

[email protected]

cell 603-456-3581 (Do Not Publish)


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Most Meaningful Jobs in Arizona

Feburary 13, 2024: Are you tired of the same old office grind? Do you dream of working outdoors, surrounded by nature? If so, then consider a career at Watters Garden Center. According to a recent article in the Washington Post, these jobs are among the happiest, least stressful, and most meaningful in America.

Watters Staff

Low stress: Being in nature has a calming effect and can help to reduce stress levels.

Meaningful work: You’ll be contributing to the environment and helping people create beautiful spaces and a better community.

Active lifestyle: You’ll be getting plenty of exercise working outdoors.

Fun and rewarding: Gardeners are a passionate bunch, and it’s always satisfying to help them find their perfect plants.

Now is the perfect time to join an agribusiness team! February is the prime hiring month for garden centers and nurseries. With many team members retiring or taking seasonal breaks, there are plenty of opportunities for new faces.

What makes Watters Garden Center special?

Watters Garden Center is a family-owned business with a long history of employee satisfaction. In fact, more team members retire from their jobs than leave for new ones! Even the seasonal staff has an average tenure of over 5 years.

“We’re a close-knit team here at Watters,” says McKenzie Lain, general manager. “Our staff is passionate about plants and loves helping local gardeners. We make sure the team has fun at work first, then we pay above average wages with the benefits to go with the fun.”

If you’re looking for fast-paced ever-changing environment, where you get to creatively solve problems, and be a part of an energetic team, contact Watters Garden Center today.

Visit the Watters Garden Center website or stop by their store to learn more about their jobs today.

What it’s like to Work at a Garden Center.