Garden for Good: 7 Flowers to Help Monarch Butterflies

07/05/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener The iconic Monarch butterfly, known for its striking black and orange wings spanning up to four inches, is a beloved sight in gardens and meadows. However, its populations have faced alarming declines in recent…

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Butterfly-Friendly Herbs for the Garden

04/12/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener With increasing awareness of the risks of certain pesticides to essential pollinators like butterflies and bees, modern gardeners are turning to plant selections that foster these beneficial insects by providing attractive habitats and food…

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7 Flowers That Attract Monarch Butterflies

07/26/2023 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener How to attract more butterflies into the gardens was this week’s most-asked question from friends, family, and garden center customers.  Because butterflies have their favorite foods, the answer is the same whether you are…

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6 Plants Irresistible to Butterflies

07/28/2022 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener How to attract more butterflies into the gardens was this week’s most-asked question from friends, family, and garden center customers. Because butterflies have their favorite foods, the answer is the same whether you are…

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Butterflies Flock to These 6 Plants

08/09/2019 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener How to attract more butterflies into the gardens was this week’s most-asked question from friends, family, and garden center customers.  Because butterflies have their favorite foods, the answer is the same whether you are…

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8 Flowers That Attract Monarch Butterflies

05/30/2018 Ken Davis

Monarch Butterfly on a Butterfly Bush by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener With its four-inch wingspan and vibrant black and orange pattern, the Monarch butterfly is easy to recognize. Sadly, Monarch population numbers have experienced a…

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Plant Magnets for Calling All Butterflies!

08/04/2017 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener I believe that butterflies, some of the most beautiful, magnificent, and interesting creatures in any garden, are God’s gift to gardeners. Fortunately, butterfly numbers are increasing in our landscapes. The reason so many butterflies…

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Butterflies Bring Magic to the Garden

05/13/2017 Ken Davis

Butterflies are some of the most beautiful, interesting creatures in any garden, and considered by many to be God’s most glorious gift to gardeners.  Sadly, buildings, roads, parking lots, and strip malls negatively impact the natural habitat of butterflies and…

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Gardening for Wildlife – Butterflies

07/07/2016 Ken Davis

At a recent Garden Class Coya Steele Silverlake updated us on the latest trends in the butterfly world. The good news is that the Monarch population is on the rise. The attached article will explain more and show you how…

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Best Bloomers to Bring more Birds

07/07/2016 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener When choosing “hummingbird flowers” look for blooms in rich, bright reds, yellows, and blues.  Flowers with long tapered shapes that can accommodate a hummingbird’s long bill will keep the birds coming back again and…

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