Why January is the Month to Plant Wildflowers

12/21/2023 Ken Davis

  Our Classes are held in our Upper Greenhouse which is heated for the comfort of our Winter Hearty Plants, but not necessarily People. Please come dressed with Weather Appropriate Clothing Ready, set, grow! Late winter is the ideal window…

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Top Local Landscapes with Flair

12/21/2023 Ken Davis

    Our Classes are held in our Upper Greenhouse which is heated for the comfort of our Winter Hearty Plants, but not necessarily People. Please come dressed with Weather Appropriate Clothing Any garden can pop with flares of color…

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Happy, Healthy Houseplants with Professional Style

12/21/2023 Ken Davis

Our Classes are held in our Upper Greenhouse which is heated for the comfort of our Winter Hearty Plants, but not necessarily People. Please come dressed with Weather Appropriate Clothing We believe plants make people happier, and not just outside,…

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Living Walls & Privacy Barriers

05/24/2023 Ken Davis

We share the fastest growing plants for fast screening. Block unsightly neighbors, enhance your view and cut noise and light pollution. Design experts are on hand for unique situations.

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Healing Sick Plants

05/24/2023 Ken Davis

You will have insights on water, disease and bugs that will make a difference in your gardens immediately. Plants are going to love you.  

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Showy Shrubs of Autumn

08/09/2022 Ken Davis

Shrubs are the backbone of a good design. They provide essential structure, beauty, fragrance, and color with a great variety of shapes. Rock landscapes without shrubs tend to look strange, immature and lacking. Learn how to use shrubs to create…

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Succulents, Cacti and the Low Maintenance Garden

08/09/2022 Ken Davis

Succulents are all the rage right now, and a great choice for busy gardeners! These are the toughest, drought-tolerant plants that will grow like gangbusters in a tight space with very little care. Students will learn how to use the…

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Fall Containers that Bloom like Crazy!

08/09/2022 Ken Davis

After this class, you’ll have what it takes to design great container gardens that sparkle in the afternoon heat. Learn about proper watering, the best foods, companion plants, and more. Everyone is going to comment on your potting success! Bring…

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Autumn Colors Best Enjoyed at Home

08/09/2022 Ken Davis

Landscapes in autumn can be stunning, but only with proper planning. This easy-care advice will bring the silver and blues out of the evergreens, showcasing brilliant bright foliage and crazy colored flowers Make this the brightest fall of all!

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Fall ‘To-do‘ List for a Healthy Yard

08/09/2022 Ken Davis

Get the most out of your landscape with this easy-to-use checklist of fall care. Bring the color out of your fall gardens, reduce bugs next spring, or simply put your landscape to bed with these easy-to-use ideas.

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