9 Essential Tasks for March Gardeners

02/26/2015 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

There are a couple of benefits to planting larger growing conifers before April. The first is that, knowing that garden centers stock up early for the spring planting season, informed gardeners buy early. This guarantees cream-of-the-crop selections before the general…

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8 Essential Steps to a Healthy Autumn Landscape

10/16/2014 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

This week’s photo is for the outdoorsmen who read this column. Imagine nine men on Lake Powell fishing, and you’ll have the setting for our experience. The seven pound twins pictured were only the beginning to a successful catch. By…

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A Gardener’s Resolution for 2011

11/23/2012 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Happy New Year, everyone! Like most small business owners in a soft economy, I sent the old year out with a robust kick in the pants and am actively preparing for a better 2011. Already the new spring look is…

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9 Easy Steps Towards Spring

11/23/2012 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Before I get into gardening I have to tell you that Yavapai Regional Medical Center is awesome! Lisa and I had to spend most of Wednesday at the hospital fixing her broken arm. (If you recall, I mentioned that she…

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Fresh Herbs Enhance Fresh Fish

11/23/2012 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Every landscape should grow some herbs. The higher the elevation the sweeter, the more savory the herbs’ flavors, and most herbs are as easy to grow as they are easy to use. I just spent the week fishing with the…

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Easy Care Less Water

11/23/2012 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Several studies of western gardens show that homeowners overwater their landscapes by 50 percent. My experiences at the garden center concur with that finding. I can say that 80% of my customers’ plant replacements are to replace plants killed by…

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Routine and Razzle Dazzle

11/16/2012 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Finally! The monsoons have arrived over most of the state. Before cheering when you hear “50% chance of rain”, you need to remember what that forecast really means in the mountains of Arizona: The weatherman is telling you that half…

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Shift Summer Plants to Fall

09/01/2012 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

It is cool enough now that our gardens should shift from summer flowering plants that bloom only until Halloween to the fall varieties that will continue their bloom well past Thanksgiving. Fortunately, the first of the fall flowers were harvested…

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10 Easy Steps to Fall Mastery

10/01/2011 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

It’s time to make out and start checking off items from that fall gardening to-do list. These are things I do every fall; my aim is to complete all ten items by the end of October. Today’s column lists these…

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Bargains and Newcomers

08/27/2011 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

It’s no secret the local economy is in a slump, but for garden centers it’s not entirely bad news. Part of the fallout from the financial situation is that the increase in food prices has caused a surge of interest…

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