Your End-of-Summer Garden To-Do List

09/13/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Gardening is a year-round hobby, each month providing a new opportunity to cultivate your land and forest success. Gardeners are at the harvest season’s peak and relish in the bounty of their vegetable and…

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Top 10 Tall Plants for Stunning Containers

09/06/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Tall potted plants can turn ordinary container gardens into works of art. They add height, variety, and a little drama to mixed containers. But grouping plants in containers takes a finesse. The general formula…

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Vegetables You Can Plant in September

08/30/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener There are lots of vegetables that grow well through the cool autumn weather. Some plants need longer days and a bit warmer soil to really get started, but all produce through the end of…

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12 Medicinal Plants of Arizona with Herbal Uses

08/23/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Arizona is well past its 100th anniversary as a state and all grown up. Pioneers to the territory needed to be resourceful, work hard, and figure out how to work with the land, including…

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How to Grow Prickly Pear Cactus

08/16/2023 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardner Large, beautiful yellow flowers rest on the outer edges of spine-covered pads. The pads often turn a rich purple color in winter and return to a soft blue-gray through the growing season. An excellent…

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Houseplants that are Straight-up Cute

08/09/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Not every home has room for the showy plants gardeners obsess over, like Monstara, Fiddle Leaf Figs, and Alocasia. There are so many adorable little plants that are perfect for tiny spaces. Grow miniatures…

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7 Flowers That Attract Monarch Butterflies

07/26/2023 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener How to attract more butterflies into the gardens was this week’s most-asked question from friends, family, and garden center customers.  Because butterflies have their favorite foods, the answer is the same whether you are…

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12 Low-Maintenance Landscape Tips & Tricks

07/19/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Every landscape needs some upkeep. Many are labors of love for the outdoors, nature, and all plants that grow in the yard. Water by hand and mowing take up large amounts of time and…

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Growing 5 Different Garden Lavenders

07/13/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Lavenders can be overwhelming, with over 17 mountain hardy varieties sold here at Watters Garden Center. With this simple guide, you will be a garden expert on this fragrant mountain herb. On the Go…

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7 Pests That Destroy Flower & Vegetable Gardens

07/05/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Bugs like gardens even more than you do. If left unchecked hungry insects destroy your prized vegetables and specimen flowers. Some insects do more than just snack on plants; they spread disease that is…

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