Insiders Tips to Local Gardening

06/28/2024 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Many have gardened in places where the soil is rich, its pH perfectly balanced and the climate blessed with consistent rainfall, gentle sun, and plant coddling humidity. If you have dug a hole in…

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Bite into 7 Successes: Growing Bountiful Apples in Zone 7

03/22/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Zone 7, with its fluctuating temperatures and varied precipitation, presents opportunities and challenges for aspiring apple enthusiasts. But fear not; homegrown orchards are within reach! Following these key steps and exploring popular varieties, you…

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Experience the Joy of Growing Your Own Fruit Trees for Better Health

01/31/2024 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener On the Go Answer – Readers Digest Condensed Version of this Article Fruit trees are easy to grow in the Mountains. Apple, pear, peach, plums, apricot, nectarine, grapes, and blueberries all grow locally. Plant…

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Top 10 Things Smart Gardeners Do in June

06/07/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener June is considered perennial month in the mountains of Arizona. This is the top time to find big, bold perennials at the garden center. These are the flowers that come back bigger and better…

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Are Fruit Trees a Good Investment?

03/16/2023 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener You used to need a lot of land to grow fruit trees. Dwarf and semi-dwarf fruit trees have allowed growing them in just about any yard. Most standard-sized fruit trees mature at a height…

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The Most Important Garden Tasks of February

02/03/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener February gardens yearn for Spring. The Short days of January get brighter every day until springs break. It is also our best month for snow, yet flowers bloom even in snow. You can feel…

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Two Steps for Blockbuster Fruit Harvest in Spring

09/19/2022 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener On the Go Answer – Readers Digest Condensed Version of this Article Before Halloween, fruit trees should be fed with 6-4-4-7 Fruit & Veggie Food and sprayed with Horticultural Oil. Again in April. October…

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Refreshing Poolside Landscapes for the Perfect Patio

08/11/2022 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener There are as many ways to landscape around the pool as possible styles and shapes of pools. Formal styles show off the pool as part of your home’s architecture. Whatever your style, you need…

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Feed your Landscape Now

07/15/2022 Ken Davis

Monsoon rains hit the Lain gardens on Monday Let the Monsoon Rains do the Work for You One simple food for the entire landscape. The safety you can feel good about around family, animals, and friends. Enjoy vivid flowers &…

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Planting Fresh Fruit for a Healthier You

05/25/2022 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener On the Go Answer – Readers Digest Condensed Version of this Article Fruit trees are easy to grow in the Mountains. Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Apricot, Nectarine, grapes, and blueberries all grow Plant late-blooming…

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