9 Tiny Flowers that Beautify Your Garden

05/09/2024 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the Mountain Gardener Few can resist the impressive sight of a giant sunflower or a stand of stately delphiniums in the landscape. If you’ve overlooked the appeal of tiny flowers, you’re missing out on a world of…

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Rose Power Up! 5 Plants for Roses that Thrive

04/18/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Readers Digest Condensed Version of this Article Roses Hate being in the same garden with large trees and shrubs that shade, vegetables that attract insects and disease, grasses and their roots, peonies and dahlia,…

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Butterfly-Friendly Herbs for the Garden

04/12/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener With increasing awareness of the risks of certain pesticides to essential pollinators like butterflies and bees, modern gardeners are turning to plant selections that foster these beneficial insects by providing attractive habitats and food…

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12 Medicinal Plants of Arizona with Herbal Uses

08/23/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Arizona is well past its 100th anniversary as a state and all grown up. Pioneers to the territory needed to be resourceful, work hard, and figure out how to work with the land, including…

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Growing 5 Different Garden Lavenders

07/13/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Lavenders can be overwhelming, with over 17 mountain hardy varieties sold here at Watters Garden Center. With this simple guide, you will be a garden expert on this fragrant mountain herb. On the Go…

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How to Harvest Herbs and Double their Growth

06/15/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener You may have heard that herbs thrive on neglect. While it is true growing these flavorful plants is pretty easy, you definitely want to pay attention to your herb garden. Once they are in…

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Top 10 Herbs for Your Kitchen Garden

05/25/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Overwhelmed by choosing what herbs will make the best culinary garden? Check out this list of herbal favorites grown in local gardens. Each is used in various dishes and is easy to grow in…

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Best Smelling Plants for Outdoor Gardens

05/17/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Arizona is famous for outdoor activities. When all this activity brings the party to your deck, patio, or pool’s edge, the fragrance of the garden should be positive and uplifting to the friends that…

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Does Talking to Houseplants Help?

01/20/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Research shows plants have a definite calming effect on their gardener. Plants are so understanding. They refrain from arguing, asking difficult questions, or interrupting when speaking. It’s no wonder, so many gardeners talk to…

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Cocktails in the Garden

10/05/2022 Ken Davis

Raise the bar with garden-fresh ingredients that transform cocktails into signature drinks by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Cheers! Drinks made with just-picked herbs, fruit, and vegetables as flavorings are the toast of the party season, whether made with alcohol…

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