How to Grow Flowering Penta

06/28/2021 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Pentas plants are annual mountain flowers tailor-made for butterflies. The nectar-rich flowers grow in clusters over several seasons in vibrant red, pink, and purple irresistible to butterflies. Clusters of many shallow blooms provide easy…

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How to Grow and Prune Bloomerang Lilac

04/06/2021 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Bloomerang Lilac is exactly as the name infers, a pulsating bloomer the comes back into bloom several times each year. The fragrance will remind you of visits to Grandmother’s house. A truly outstanding lilac…

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How to Grow Blanket Flower and Gaillardia

04/06/2021 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener The perfect mountain perennial with huge fiery flowers on a compact plant. She loves the heat and super drought hardy. You can count on this bloomer to show off all summer long in raised…

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How to Grow Columbine

04/06/2021 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Song Bird Columbine This graceful beauty dances in the shade of the garden, holding it’s head high smiling back at you.   Few Plants stand so bright in the cooler parts of the garden.  This…

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How to Grow Candytuft

04/06/2021 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Masses of fragrant white blooms cover mounds of green foliage. Extreme heat and cold tolerant, this award-winner repeatedly blooms without deadheading for super easy care. Butterflies, Bees, and Hummingbirds are going to love your…

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How to Grow and Care for Lilac

04/02/2021 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener The fragrance will remind you of visits to Grandmother’s house. A truly outstanding lilac for the large flowers and captivating fragrance, and super easy to grow. She is in a class by herself, even…

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How to Grow and Care for Purple Leaf Plum

04/01/2021 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener This Arizona plum is the ideal small purple tree between evergreens. Blooms in a profusion of pink flowers that precede the deep purple foliage. Large enough to use as a front yard tree and…

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How to Grow Redbud Trees

02/25/2021 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the Mountain Gardener Celebrate the end of winter with an explosion of pink blossoms. At just 16′ feet tall, this local native is super easy to grow. Vibrant, red flowers cloak the branches of early spring. Luscious…

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How to Grow Creeping Rosemary

02/25/2021 Ken Davis

The Tasty Evergreen Anyone Can Grow by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Imagine growing Rosemary that tumbling over a wall or spreading across a dry rock lawn. This tough little gem is the perfect plant for garden walls, pots, banks,…

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How to Grow Pansy

02/25/2021 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Giant 3″ flowers thrive in extreme March gardens. Large, velvety blooms dazzle with radiant colors of blue, violet, yellow, and variations of stripes that look like smiling faces and love being planted in late…

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