2018 Rose of the Year Collection

05/05/2018 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener The mountains of Arizona are famous for easy-care roses. Because of the dry air and alkaline soils we just grow a better, brighter, more fragrant rose without the disease and insect issues that plague…

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The Difference Between Frost and Freeze Warnings

03/31/2018 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Spring is here and the planting season is in full gear but there still is a chance of frost.  Already customers have been to the garden center begging for tomato plants, the ultimate temperate,…

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Plant Foods Simplified Locally

02/27/2018 Ken Davis

by Lisa Watters-Lain,  Arizona’s garden gal When walking down the fertilizer aisle at Watters Garden Center or any home improvement store you can’t help notice the dizzying the array of plant food. You’ll see bags and bottles, powders and granules,…

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How to Prune Climbing Roses

02/27/2018 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener We are almost finished pruning at the Lain casa.  Perennials have been cut back to the ground, fruit trees nipped and shaped, and the summer shrubs have been cut back for proper control.  Mountain…

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2018 Roses of the Year

02/26/2018 Ken Lain, mountain gardener

2018 Mountain Rose of the Year Collection by Lisa Watters-Lain, the mountain gardener The mountains of Arizona are famous for our easy-care roses. Because of the dry air and alkaline soils we just grow a better, brighter, more fragrant rose…

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Fertilizer Lessons to Choose the Right Plant Food

11/04/2017 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener When walking down the fertilizer aisle at Watters Garden Center or any home improvement store you can’t help noticing the array of formulations. You’ll see bags and bottles, powders and granules, sprays and concentrates.…

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Edible Perennials

04/22/2017 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Recent rains have caused an explosion of perennial bloomers to show off in local gardens. There are a number of perennial plants that are not only pretty but come back year after year for…

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Super 8 Spring Blooming Shrubs

04/12/2017 admin

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Shrubs are the bones and building blocks of an exceptional landscape. Some are blessed with long bloom periods, others with flashy foliage, striking shapes, colorful winterberries for foraging birds, and some with evergreen qualities.…

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Flowers Help to Sell Your Home Faster

09/29/2016 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Selling a home is all about a fresh-looking property.  So, trim back trees and shrubs to prevent that old, overgrown look, then freshen beds with a  new layer of cedar bark, and rock lawns…

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