January 18 – Come Alive with Advanced Seed Propagation – $35 (Free to watch)

02/24/2013 | Ken Lain, mountain gardener Plant Care, Uncategorized

Seedlings - lettuceSaturday (9:30 – 10:30)
Free to listen too, but the first 10 gardeners to register get a seasons worth of advance propagation material ready to start this years garden.  Learn how to tell if your seed is fresh, the correct soil to start with, watering, the importance of seed temperatures and more. You’ll be a professional after this class, with all the materials for success.

5 Replies to “January 18 – Come Alive with Advanced Seed Propagation – $35 (Free to watch)”

  1. Are all 10 slots for the Advanced see propagation class taken? How does one register?

  2. Hi Watters,

    If there is still material left for Sat. class, I’d like to register for it.

    1. Consider yourself registered. Class have been running very full this spring. This class starts at 9:30 and would be a good idea to show up a few minutes early. See you then.

      Ken Lain, owner

  3. If there is still material left for Sat. class, I’d like to register for it.

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