

Rose of Sharon

Breathtaking large blue flowers are adorned with lacy centers to create anemone-like blooms. Each stem of this hardy...


House plants for Bright room

These plants work well in a bright rooms without any direct sunlight hitting them from windows. Bamboo palm...


Houseplants for Full Sun

Direct light. These plants thrive on or near windowsills facing east or west that receive at least a...


Single Blue Pinyon Pine

Hi, Ken at Watters with this weeks plant of the week and my Single blue Pinyon Pine. This...


2013 Seedlings

After the past couple of weeks’ extremely cold weather, I am ready to start my garden planning sessions....


Starting Gardens from Seed

After the past couple of weeks’ extremely cold weather, I am ready to start my garden planning sessions....


5 Easy Steps to Roses

This week brought a winter storm that surprised most of us. We had 7” of snow at our...