

Rose of Sharon

Breathtaking large blue flowers are adorned with lacy centers to create anemone-like blooms. Each stem of this hardy...


Create a High Hedge

Fall is definitely in the air. Rains with cooler nights have produced the ideal crop of Autumn Joy...


Garden Grass Delight

We can expect afternoon rains and increased humidity through October, giving us about two full months before the...


Shift Summer Plants to Fall

It is cool enough now that our gardens should shift from summer flowering plants that bloom only until...


Eat from the Hedge?

For showy seasonal changes in the yard, fruit trees are hard to beat. In spring they exuberantly burst...


Garden Blunders to Avoid

Experienced gardeners know that great gardens are a process, not a destination, and the wisest gardeners learn from...


Keeping Plants Heat Healthy

The official start of the summer gardening season begins this week. This is when many heat- loving plants...