Cascading Beauties: The Best Spiller Plants to Elevate Your Containers

06/18/2024 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Although tall, attention-grabbing flowers may be the first plants considered for your container gardens, they are not the most critical blooms in the pot. Plants that spill, flow, and cascade over the edge of…

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Top 10 Berries for Container Gardens

09/20/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Those new to gardening are surprised at the bountiful crops berry plants produce. Local berry bushes are more consistent fruit bearers than even fruit trees and are easier to grow. Simply plant them into…

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Top 10 Tall Plants for Stunning Containers

09/06/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Tall potted plants can turn ordinary container gardens into works of art. They add height, variety, and a little drama to mixed containers. But grouping plants in containers takes a finesse. The general formula…

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How to Grow & Care for Roses

03/23/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener The fragrance will remind you of visits to Grandmother’s house. A truly outstanding rose for the large flowers and captivating fragrance, and super easy to grow. She is in a class by herself, even…

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Thrilling Plants Perfect for BIG Pots

02/08/2023 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Spring trees begin to bloom this issue. Trees are noble works of nature, and we are humbled by their greatness. While walking through the redwoods of California or admiring the massive structure of a…

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Turn Your Patio Into a Paradise

08/04/2022 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener The mountains of Arizona are famous for glorious weather best enjoyed outdoors. Many gardeners created outdoor decks, living rooms, and kitchens that call to the outdoors. Plants that perform well in raised beds and…

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Feed your Landscape Now

07/15/2022 Ken Davis

Monsoon rains hit the Lain gardens on Monday Let the Monsoon Rains do the Work for You One simple food for the entire landscape. The safety you can feel good about around family, animals, and friends. Enjoy vivid flowers &…

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Top Plants from A to O with Dazzling Foliage

08/13/2021 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Best Types of Foliage Plants. Large leaf outdoor plants. Leafy outdoor plant names. Foliage plant care. Large leaf tropical plants. Best Plants for Colorful Foliage. Hosta Next time you hit the garden center, think…

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Beginner’s Guide to Container Gardens

07/13/2021 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Before you plant a container garden, you need only four things: a container, soil, plants, and water. It can be that simple. Of course, things can get a bit complicated when keeping your plants…

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12 Pretty Plants With Daisy Flowers

06/17/2021 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Flowers that look like daisies. What plants go well with daisies? Plants that look good all year round? Perennial daisies bloom all summer. What are colorful daisies called? White daisy-like flower with yellow center.…

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