How to Grow Prickly Pear Cactus

08/16/2023 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardner Large, beautiful yellow flowers rest on the outer edges of spine-covered pads. The pads often turn a rich purple color in winter and return to a soft blue-gray through the growing season. An excellent…

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Why January is the Best Month to Plant Wildflowers

01/26/2023 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener On the Go Answer – Readers Digest-type Condensed Version of this Article Wildflowers are best planted in winter Most flowers prefer at least 6 six hours of sun per day Hydromulch – blend wildflower…

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How to Grow Blanket Flower and Gaillardia

05/15/2020 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener The perfect mountain perennial with huge fiery flowers on a compact plant. She loves the heat and super drought hardy. You can count on this bloomer to show off all summer long in raised…

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Best Ground Covers and 9 Places To Plant Them

12/20/2019 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Mountain landscapes are difficult for plants, especially if you want to keep them low maintenance.  In an arid climate where rock lawns are the norm because growing conditions are challenging, ground- hugging plants are…

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40 Waterwise Plants and Natives by Flower Color

04/30/2016 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener We’ve all seen  dreary, low-water landscapes. Though well-intentioned, the only color is gray to gray-green, with plants that look brittle and bone-dry. But water-wise gardens can be vibrant, colorful, and yes, even lush-looking. Although…

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Pine Needles Bad for Our Gardens?

11/14/2015 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener If you live in a neighborhood where ponderosa pines grow freely, you know about too many pine needles.  Pine trees drop lots of needles, especially those 50-foot giants!  Gutter guards protect my rain gutters,…

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Top 10 Indestructible Plants, Go Ahead . . . I Dare You!

06/05/2015 Ken Davis

by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Every garden needs a few plants that can handle whatever abuse we throw their way. That’s not to say we should be needlessly tough on them, but let’s face it, there are places in…

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Plants for Southwest Landscapes

04/25/2015 Ken Davis

By Ken Lain, the mountain gardener Gardeners new to our area often bring with them the plants they loved back home. Admittedly, we have such a mild climate that the variety of plants that do well for us is greater…

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